İş Zekası sektörüne fokus çalışan birisi olarak kendi günlük efor ve aktivitelerim yada sektördeki proje, gelişmeler, makaleler veya hayata dair paylaşmak istediğim, arzu edenlerin referans alabileceği bir sayfa olmasını istedim. Bugün sektördeki en büyük sorunun bilgi paylaşımı ve uzmanlık eksikliği olduğu düşünüldüğünde;hepimizin birbirimize öğretecek bir tecrübesi olduğuna inanıyorum. Burada teknik yaklaşımdan öte,asıl eksik iş zekası felsefini oluşturacak bilgileri paylaşmak amacındayım.
24 Aralık 2010 Cuma
21 Aralık 2010 Salı
20 Aralık 2010 Pazartesi
Business Intelligence Trends 2011, what is rising and what is falling…
Business Intelligence Trends 2011, what is rising and what is falling…
Such articles' impartiality depends on person or corporation ;neverthless, this is quite generic , nothing so different. It is good for refresh the market info
Such articles' impartiality depends on person or corporation ;neverthless, this is quite generic , nothing so different. It is good for refresh the market info
19 Aralık 2010 Pazar
17 Aralık 2010 Cuma
SaaS Business Intelligence Checklist – Pricing and TCO « Shawn Rogers
SaaS Business Intelligence Checklist – Pricing and TCO « Shawn Rogers
I still doubt on SaaS for BI in our local market. Although companies will not be able to resist due to cost pressure, success of it is question market in3-4 years, which is enough to be concerned:)
10 Best Data Visualization Projects of the Year – 2010
10 Best Data Visualization Projects of the Year – 2010
Very interesting to see Extreme Visualizations
15 Aralık 2010 Çarşamba
Collective Buying Decisions
Insight | Pursway
I have been closely tracking Social Network Analysis, as Pursway is one the innovative vendors in this arena. I strongly believe Collective Buying Decisions.. take a lookt, worthwhile to read it.
13 Aralık 2010 Pazartesi
2010-Q3 Disk Storage Vendor
Dell acquires Compellent for $960 million, lands its storage consolation prize | ZDNet
In this world, who is storage vendor, who is BI who is System Integrator or hardware vendor is question mark! good to know.
11 Aralık 2010 Cumartesi
Six Data Management Predictions for 2011 | Smart Data Collective
Six Data Management Predictions for 2011 | Smart Data Collective
This articles proves the fact why QlikView is the hot product in current BI wave..Worthwhile to read..Bu
This articles proves the fact why QlikView is the hot product in current BI wave..Worthwhile to read..Bu
Six Data Management Predictions for 2011 | Smart Data Collective
Six Data Management Predictions for 2011 | Smart Data Collective
This articles proves the fact why QlikView is the hot product in current BI wave..Worthwhile to read..Bu
This articles proves the fact why QlikView is the hot product in current BI wave..Worthwhile to read..Bu
2 Aralık 2010 Perşembe
HP Is Serious About Software: 25 Reasons Why - IT Infrastructure - News & Reviews
HP Is Serious About Software: 25 Reasons Why - IT Infrastructure - News & Reviews
Why not , HP will be next software giant?
Why not , HP will be next software giant?
Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools
Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools
I am personally skeptical about certain positioning but here is the latest MQ..
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