Yes, this is the final Gartner MQ I was talking about in my previous blog. since it is publicly avaiable, you can check the details. As we all see, crowd is on Nche players area, althogh some of them are not niche as far as I am concerned. I would like to work on couple new ones to understand better. As SAP is placed lower compared to lasy year, I disagree with IBM's better execution. Anyways, enjoy..
İş Zekası sektörüne fokus çalışan birisi olarak kendi günlük efor ve aktivitelerim yada sektördeki proje, gelişmeler, makaleler veya hayata dair paylaşmak istediğim, arzu edenlerin referans alabileceği bir sayfa olmasını istedim. Bugün sektördeki en büyük sorunun bilgi paylaşımı ve uzmanlık eksikliği olduğu düşünüldüğünde;hepimizin birbirimize öğretecek bir tecrübesi olduğuna inanıyorum. Burada teknik yaklaşımdan öte,asıl eksik iş zekası felsefini oluşturacak bilgileri paylaşmak amacındayım.
31 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi
30 Ocak 2011 Pazar
Some findings for Gartner BI Magic Quadrant 2011
I was personally happy see that some points in the reports proved my comments placed in QlikView’s blog with interview with me by Erica Driver, since I had mentioned about “fun, happiness” in the blog article. Yes, everything is changing and new generation, new user profile would like have more fun even while working. Me too J Again, if you closely follow the market, it is expected result. My Depiction placed in Dashboard Insight’s article will continue to be discussed in BI for some time.
QlikTech has been pushing the term ”simplicity” for years ,which may be sometimes even too much, but what we have seen now at Gartner BI Report 2011 is that Simplicity has become surpassing need-functionality. In this case, the only comment we may provide is “RESPECT” to QlikTech. As a father of the term of simplicity, QlikTech deserves necessary respect; .However, it is not enough to only mention, it is also big responsibility for them to carry on supporting simplicity with ultimate functionality and complying with missing or required /criticized components for simplicity in big BI picture. E.g. Predictive modeling, better metadata management (despite it is not even an issue many times) , Budgeting and planning is also big pain of business users. Bringing such simplicity and agile implementation with QlikView may be just great. Although it is not priority of the company at the moment, I cannot resist myself to think about those.
Gartner has paid special attention to Data Discovery Tools ‘ importance as well as why discovery tools are the first priority of business users’ choice. Again, what we have been telling with QlikView approach, traditional report centric approach is not useless, but it became just less effective, rather than information centric approach with high volume of dedicated business unit data based on business functions. It was almost inevitable fact to go this way anyway. However, buying behaviors from IT site still continues with total different perspectives heavily in IT centric strategy. It may be improper to say that business users’ freedom and strong impact on buying discovery tools and crating another segment in Business Intelligence arena just reminds me “what is happening in Egypt, Tunia, Algeria “.. Yes, because business users were sick of waiting necessary solutions or values from BI platforms, although industry called ” Business Intelligence” . Of course, business users do this investing their budget and implementing it by themselves, rather than going rally in the market J
Although I like the idea of standardization, I have never believed this term in core Business Intelligence world. Which standardization? Almost all core historical BI vendors even before strong acquisition period; they had also done some small or big acquisitions, which also required technical integration periods. I always say “ There is no impossible integration in current technology world, the most important one is how east and fast you do this from business and technology perspectives. “ The reason I have mentioned standardization is Gartner reports also mentions that Standardization is not first concern commonly anymore; pragmatic approach for complying the needs are first priority. Again, there is always best way to do things, innovation always driver BI arena as long as it solves business problems. It does not have to be perfect or miracle though, as what remote-control of TV just makes life easy!
I am not sure how the rest of the world looks at but in our market usually does not allow people to say “ you are right”, “ you did a good job “ “Allow” may be proper work , let’s say that they think that they are potentially offended by copying or imitating an idea. My personal believes was always vice versa. If you cannot innovate or make it, you just imitate the one you like and do your best to improve it , bring your way. There is typical example for this. We have grown with Yahoo, AltaVista or other search engines but now google is almost in every language as VERB! What they have done is they just come up with their own way, but the idea was not new. As far as I am concerned, Gartner first time uses word “imitate or copy” for big vendors, which is not a shame or something to judge. On the contrary, they must raise bar, do better. I am sure they will come up with better things in the future.
What I like the most in 2011 ‘s MQ reports that I find it more brave comments than before . One of the examples is that they mention unhappy and unsatisfied business users, customers for Oracle, SAP, IBM , MS. What we have told in our BI market is that business users are the king. You can be successful as long as you make them happy. That is why QlikTech’s fastest growth in MQ is not surprising; in fact, QlikTech might be the first couple ones if there is dedicated user satisfaction MQ. (There was a report that shows this, as IDC has )
Gartner underlines increasing new for forecasting, predictive modeling , optimization. I believe that this is a strong challenge for QlikTech, but they can definitely turn this into an advantage adding similar simplicity advantage to their platform, which is definitely possible. Once it is done, QlikView will continue to be strong player in the market , despite potential acquisition risk or only focus on BI arena strategy.
Mobile and Mashups have been obvious direction for some time, which almost all vendors have been focusing to come up with new faces.
When I joined to Gartner BI summit in 2009 at Amsterdam, There was again question and comments for SaaS . I had not believed at that time that BI SaaS will not grow as they predict . Current reports also mentions slow growth rate. There are many reasons for this in addition to each local market dynamics. BI market has been talking about culture for sometime, which is one aspect of this issue too.
Collaboration and collaborative Decision making will be hot issue in upcoming years. In fact, I personally expect more niche vendors in this area. Some niche vendors have already emerged. Unstructured data issue will be getting more and more issue with Social Media and Analytics Data. Business users expect that BI vendors will have some functionalities but again I believe that new and niche vendors will do job much more better than others within the fact “exceptions do not break the rules “ :)
I would like to remind one important criterion for Business intelligence after reading the report. Yes, market consolidations caused strong dissatisfaction in the market. Yes, big vendors focused on integration. Yes, new niche players have come along positive way etc. We should not forget the fact that traditional guys have experienced these as well, they had already passed this root. They were extremely good for business, support and other criteria in the past. This is like a construction a shape with Play card . You may do something very good, simple mistakes (like simplicityJ) cause serious problem. While some BI guys might have spent some necessary time, they have an ability to turn everything into much more positive way. This is the issue of CEO or C level people to launch strong effective project. I still do hope positive things though. As BI professional, I do like positive progress from all vendors regardless of the name. In any case, I touched several of them, and the rests are represented by our friends anywaysJ
For my preliminary comment for Gartner Reports, I suppose it is enough for now, let give some time for next blog article after listening all the buzz, objections, critics ..
28 Ocak 2011 Cuma
Business Intelligence Predictions for 2011 -
I did contribute with my a little prediction, because they should have reserved entire article to only me :) but all writers mention cool things.. cheers
26 Ocak 2011 Çarşamba
Business Intelligence is like a picnic?
Well, this is video that I had made May 2010 just to play the tool. It is funny to say that I am personally sometimes surprised by my fast actions. I could have even done this video earlier, the tool was just a reason to make it . The reason I am bringing this to table again is that you just need to take an action sometimes because volatile environment never lets you assign strategy. In fact, even big BI vendors could assign strong BI strategy for long time. They all acted tactical. There are many examples in the market.
In short, I believe that this is not a magic game, it is about balancing to define strategy as and execution process with capabilities regardless of how big BI vendor you are or boutique BI supplier like us. In current technology world, technology integration is not an issue, the real issue is that using technology to enable business; parameters here are resourcing, knowledge, time, speed, satisfaction, , ambition. You do not have to have all right away but if you have these in balanced way; success is over there. I this case, you only need is ambition and passion to keep going, which is sometimes even more requirement or triggering for success. Nothing different from planning to have picnic ! Yes it starts with “wishing to go picnic” but also requires find necessary places in suitable weather and inevitable logistics (food) :) . BI projects and tools are like having a picnic. The best picnic experience depends on you and your selection.:) You can anyhow go to picnic, the important issue is how satisfied you are afterwards..
25 Ocak 2011 Salı
History of Business Intelligence
Although it is not a perfect one but I believe you can still get some ideas if you are new to BI :)
24 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi
IDC: Decision Management Market at $10B by 2014 | Smart Data Collective
The Evolution of the Corporate Intranet to Enterprise Social Collaboration
The Evolution of the Corporate Intranet to Enterprise Social Collaboration
Don Tapscott - Macrowikinomics -New Business World
I have watched couple times to refresh what I know but cannot come up with he summarized. Future is over there. Strongly recommends to watch it patiently.I reall get many things
19 Ocak 2011 Çarşamba
Social Media
CIO White paper has been preparing very nice and valuable guidance. I have recently downloaded “Guide To Social Media Marketing and Business Intelligence”. I have taken a look , it like it so much. I would like to share with you. If any of you can read and implement it, I congratulate you now for future success, which I am sure you will get; common act now!!! Cheers,
18 Ocak 2011 Salı
Tattoo vs Make-up , which one you like for Business Intelligence outcome?
I have been thinking to write about this blog post for some time due to hectic times; my meeting with one of the world giant SAP customer triggered me to do this. I was at customer site with one of our senior consultant for QlikView requirements that they ask us to do with QV. What we have realized that this SAP customer has been using QlikView for years happily, since it gives them advanced visualization, intuitive simple usage, fast, spontaneous as well as provide unknown and hidden facts in addition to SELF-DEVELOPMENT. Their usage is very much primitive from BI perspective, since they develop QV files and share with others with either e-mail or via centralized folder. (there is no even QV server). The customer told me that they have completed BW project long time ago followed by Business Objects implementation after BO acquisition. The surprising fact is that they have never quit QV usage, not even thought about it. (they are using outdated version of QV though ) Despite their primitive usage as well as too many manual data load or extraction into excel files from SAP, they were extremely happy to use Qlikview. Whenever our topic came to do “why do you do such a lot of manual works prior to QV ” , they were not even satisfied internally by their response , since they knew that it was meaningless from technical perspective but what they have been doing is that “ignore politics instead of fighting internal with IT ” . Situation was clear. They had to implement BW in the past, they had to implement BO and they have to use it anyway but satisfaction has never been obtained by business users, so they continued to use QV. When we look at BI usage; however, sales, finance even C-Level management use QV. Actually to honest, we have been often faced similar cases, especially at SAP customers. However, there is also fact that business
users are happy with QlikView regardless of what they have invested. While we were showing some reactions against this habit, we are pretty much used to seeing it. It is not our job to criticize customers; in fact, we now enjoy seeing it. Why? Because as a BI service supplier, this is very much satisfying to see how QV is inevitable for business users, while we used to deal with always IT for many issues with traditional BI tools. These users always advocate about QV, which bring many other projects, even if they cannot extend the internal QV deployment due to political war.
Yes QlikView is like a perfectly designed tattoo on each business bodies (units) that nobody can easily take it off, while traditional BI tools act in the organizations just temporarily make up? Doubtless, this is just “similitude”, but don’t you think that kinda correct? Business expects to meet their expectations permanently.
Social Business
It is inevitable fact that from small to large enterprises somehow will benefit from this social stuff. The issue here is that hoow fast companies reach will benefit faster. Good article to read while you ask yourself if it is correct, food for thought!
17 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi
Muzaffer Yontem
This is my article that was published early January 2011 at BTHaber Turkey . Honestly, I donot remember of this interview but it seems me J
Muzaffer Yontem
I really like this cartoon, as it reminds me myself. The good news is that I
am a partner of company
11 Ocak 2011 Salı
A Turkish Perspective on QlikView's Specialness - The QlikView Blog
This time from my interview that Erica Driver from QlikTech MArketing Team .In fact, I have shared many things btu of course the blog is limited space, so read it:)
QlikCommunity | A Turkish Perspective on QlikView's Specialness - The QlikView Blog
3 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi
The True Sociological Power of Facebook
Building Community: the Platform Blog - Lithosphere Community
It is very good blog post and approach to Facebook, not for business though.
Will the Real Column Stores Please Stand Up? - Blog - Vertica | Data at the Speed of Life
Will the Real Column Stores Please Stand Up? - Blog - Vertica | Data at the Speed of Life
For people who are concerned about DWH DB world!
Will the Real Column Stores Please Stand Up? - Blog - Vertica | Data at the Speed of Life
Will the Real Column Stores Please Stand Up? - Blog - Vertica | Data at the Speed of Life
For people who are concerned about DWH DB world!