As we all Bİ professionals have been saying buzz sentences" single version of truth" with mainly focusing on tool sites, uniqueness need from data perspectives are still inevitably key factor for ultimate success of the project. Business still suffers from almost similiar needs, as they have only relatively satisfied by better query performance ,flashy screens or more user friendly usage ( none of them are still fully appreciated) . Data quality which is a part of MDM or information management policy keeps its importance while single version of Master Data is still not being managed by business. Many of you can argue with several academic words; but at the end of the day, we need get this issue done within simpliest way, less effort and by mainly business.
The reason why i have written this unnecesary paragraph(:)) is that i still see hunger from business almost with same needs after 10-12 years. Yes, technology improves rapidly but dou you think that all of this is in favor of business user? MDM, Data Governance, quality, metadata blsh blah...simple need by business" there should be simple screen that i can manage my master data as business user with easy flow charting" in fact after seeing very complex excel files generated by business, believe these guys can use all visual screens. The only they need is somebody must listen them :)
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