27 Mart 2011 Pazar

BI Technology at Banking and Finance Day of BThaber Platform

A minute interview to explain why we have attended to the event.

26 Mart 2011 Cumartesi

24 Mart 2011 Perşembe

BThaber Platform,“Finans ve Bankacılık”


I had already written couple things about the event, just want to share the article by original organizer of the event- BT Platform

23 Mart 2011 Çarşamba

BT Platform Finance and Banking Day

We were BI sponsor of the BT Platform Finance and Banking Event. Anadolu Insurance has presented our QlikViev project. It was lovely and it received so much attention. In fact, I have been told that many people  just came to listen Anadolu Insurance case-study of QlikView. Thanks to Mrs. Deren Koçdemir, she did very good job, although she is not used to do such presentation in such public environment.

Me? I did “acting” in the panel for two questions J. Thankfully, SAS was with us so that I was not alone as BI vendor.  Honesty , unless it is dedicated BI panel ;I donot believe such panels, as people are bored. You have couple minutes to answer the question that requies quite time. Anyhow, our relationship with them  is historical sponsorship for us, because Interpro is on of the independent media organizations. Since we have been working together for a long time, we would like to support them, as they did to us too in years.

BT Platform Finance and Banking Day

We were BI sponsor of the BT Platform Finance and Banking Event. Anadolu Insurance has presented our QlikViev project. It was lovely and it received so much attention. In fact, I have been told that many people  just came to listen Anadolu Insurance case-study of QlikView. Thanks to Mrs. Deren Koçdemir, she did very good job, although she is not used to do such presentation in such public environment.

Me? I did “acting” in the panel for two questions J. Thankfully, SAS was with us so that I was not alone as BI vendor.  Honesty , unless it is dedicated BI panel ;I donot believe such panels, as people are bored. You have couple minutes to answer the question that requies quite time. Anyhow, our relationship with them  is historical sponsorship for us, because Interpro is on of the independent media organizations. Since we have been working together for a long time, we would like to support them, as they did to us too in years.

22 Mart 2011 Salı

James Markarian, Informatica's CTO Talks Technology Trends

Worthwhile to watch to understand trends.. DB virtualization, Cloud etc.

Social Media Marketing Magazine: Issue 4: Academic Feature


I really like the different kind of depiction. This is from Dr. Gary Schirr. His Article s very usefull too. enjoy it.

Social Product Innovation: It's More Than Facebook

Very good video to have an idea in couple minutes

20 Mart 2011 Pazar

The Future of Business Intelligence is Now

We talk about so much for BI future. Tim O'Reilly's has a good vision in this arena Bruno Aziza from Microsoft is interviewing.

Social Media ROI (Socialnomics)

I have been underlining Social Media for long time , I am even sometimes teased by my friends about my obsession to SM. It is not a obsession, the video is perfect summary again. Unfortunately, some people still try to understand FB, Linkedin.. Once they understand, we will have already be talking about something new!! thanks to Jeff Bullas for good article.

Rethink Your Next Generation Business Intelligence Strategy


I run into this while doing some research. This is really good sum ups for next generation, although there are many components to discuss. It is one of the good approaches I have read , so that I want to share it. You can always challenge ,as I do too . Nature of BI gets bigger and bigger.E.g. I see strong connection collaboration and social media with BI too, but again you can assume that these are under platforms and unstructured data..enjoy it, thanks to writer.

Rethink Your Next Generation Business Intelligence Strategy






March 2011
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While I was doing some research, I have seen this article. I like iit and want to post my blog, because it is one of the good ones looking from the far and down to details. Surely, there can be many add , especially from business users' perspective;nevertheless, some items can be applied to new users expectations too. e.g. New reporting paradigm means new expectations for business users..enjoy it. thank you writers. the real discussion for new world is whether we should start from scratch ? :)

19 Mart 2011 Cumartesi

Power Law of Participation


Excellent depiction. Idea of " Information becomes knowledge" is pictured greatly. As I have been talking to our network for months, collaboration will be opening another new era in business , as it already opened for society.

16 Mart 2011 Çarşamba

Application Event Streams

Well blog friend Hunter Richads has  written very good article about application event streams. In fact,  I have been seen more and more need it in the market. Although there might be slighly difference, some people might have already heard the term called Complex Event Processing(CEP).  Nevertheless as you can his blog below and its link, new era will require this converge within more connected way. Collaboration ,social media, event processing; they are for business usage purposes. That is why I like the term that HP uses nowadays” Business Information Solutions.” Because each piece of information shouls be treate as a value , like Gartner says.

Since I have been in BI for years, I sometimes even  get confused clear distinction for the terms. While new progress and developments are for the sake of business, BI scope and outline gets wide and wide. It was always wide but technology  now enables to make thing happen. In this scenario, the real difference becomes how simple you can do this. You can see in my blog that I see very strong inersection with collaboration, social media and business intelligence, and now even core business applications. That is why I thank Hunter to summarize it greatly.This is my initial feedback, I would like to write some comments later on

Application event streams – timely business intelligence (BI) updates that can be followed and discussed in a social activity stream – promise to kick-start conversations around critical business data.

We have all witnessed the value of Twitter and Facebook acting as critical communications networks in times of crisis… or just boredom. Yammer and Salesforce.com’s Chatter application apply these same concepts to business, enabling workers to share their thoughts and experiences in a social activity stream for the enterprise.

Now middleware vendor TIBCO is extending the conversation to include machines. The company’s Tibbr offering pulls application event data from existing systems and incorporates the data into an activity stream. Workers can take it from there, adding their own qualitative assessment of the data. Users can follow relevant event streams and form groups around related topics.


Social Media and Business Intelligence Converge
Enterprise applications such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems have created overwhelming troves of corporate data. BI tools provide a sophisticated means of summarizing and analyzing this data, but these tools have not become pervasive across the enterprise. Too often, they are limited to a few executives and business analysts. Social media concepts, when implemented with more traditional BI and middleware tools, present a new opportunity to disseminate and discuss intelligence gleaned from corporate systems.

Application event streams empower people to stay aware and discuss information as soon as it emerges. Just as Facebook and Twitter have revolutionized social interactions, the application event streams of new enterprise social systems like Tibbr can revolutionize how businesses collaborate when analyzing data.

Consider a scenario in which days sales outstanding (DSOs) exceed a company’s goal of fewer than 60 days. A system like Tibbr fires an event notification to its #DSO followers. The relevant participants can then discuss what’s driving the metric up. Accounts receivable staff can explain which accounts have aged to inflate the numbers. Sales and service reps attached to those accounts can call their contacts at those accounts to follow up on the receivable. The CFO can chime in with just how important it is to get DSOs in-line by quarter end.

An Elegant Solution to Common Challenges
Data integration is central to the value of application event streams. In most conversations, tangible data will increase the value of the dialog. In the case of application event streams, executives can consider information as soon as it arises. For example, activity streams can be automatically updated when revenue surpasses a particular level. Then users can comment and start a discussion with colleagues faster. In other words, communication becomes collaboration.

A social media user interface also invites a broader audience into the conversation. Event streams present information in a simple list of short messages, filtered according to the user’s priorities. As long as the settings are appropriate, it only takes a quick scan to find the latest developments in accounting or customer data. Responses appear right next to each of these updates, tying important data together with the discussion. This is vastly more simple than traditional ERP reporting.

The simple concept of “following” a stream gets the right information to the right people, right away. When users follow only what they need to know, they don’t waste time sorting through irrelevant information. As in Twitter, users can follow others to receive their updates or comments. But in application event streams, they can also follow a specific metric from a specific system, rather than logging into multiple systems each day. They receive event updates when a development occurs in an area of interest.

Work is About to Get Social
The market for enterprise social software, though young, is growing rapidly; Gartner projects spending to grow nearly 16 percent in 2011 from 2010 levels. They’re already tracking more than 80 vendors, with plenty of activity among them. Some vendors are seeking alliances with ERP providers to capitalize on integration potential. Take Jive’s partnership with SAP for example. Similarly, Socialcast’s Reach integrates with CRM and other programs. As more integration initiatives take place, application event streams will only improve how they present business data to the social experience.

BI activity streams are making businesses more social and saving time spent searching for answers. Now all it takes is a quick scan and a short comment to apply key business metrics to the actual decision making process. It’s pretty obvious now that activity streams can make business more efficient. Who knows; maybe it can even make us better friends with our co-workers. But if you’re staying late at the office to discuss last night’s NFL game with your ERP system, you might want to see a shrink

Read more: http://www.softwareadvice.com/articles/accounting/application-event-streams-attack-of-the-social-machines-1030911/#ixzz1Gi5GJvLA

15 Mart 2011 Salı

BI Technology


I had already posted an event on March 28, 2011  for “Banking and Finance World”. This little article is a piece from the e-interview, mentioning on New Data Discovery Approach as well as in memory. It was very interesting and good to read in the same magazine from SAP , as the article is heavily for in memory analytics. Yes like typical proverb says “Aklın yolu bir “ (In English: “there is one truth”), as QV has been talking about it more than 15 years.

Collaboration is not need, it is must!


I have been pushing in memory and especially qlikview approach for a while. Similarly, there is  another favorite topic that will be more and more need. “ Business Collaboration”. Attached research shows that Turkey is number in Europe for Facebook usage and I know from other research that it is number #3 in the world.

Hey folks, let me tell you the fact I know Turkish people quite well, as you can respectJ. Nevertheless, I do also understand business dynamics, competition, know-how, knowledge, talent, experience …..Every issue in respect to these are asset of the company. It is clear that our new generation uses these platforms. So? Lets try to get benefit from it. Deploy similar business platform for business purposes. We have been suffering from lack of collaboration even in our company in which there is only 25 people.! Imagine  crowded organizations, too much e-mail traffic, missing knowledge, who does what, who left where   with which info….When you deploy these o your partner, suppliers, customers, called COMMUNITY. I personally admire companies that understand this pain quickly and take an action. I love the saying “ Information becomes knowledge when you collaborate”. Yes, business gets social. Yes, new gen uses this. Sometimes they forget to say hi or their task but they never forget to update their status. Turkey is one of the most crowded population in Europe that should be called paradise for such need. I have been working Community/collaboration issues for sometime and their vendors.. Ask me if you need anything else.. common, collaborate…!

BI Technology

Well, I was a cover page of Telecom Magazine around end of 2009.  It was the first official year for us with QlikView. Although we had already proved our message with good enteprise projects, Turkish market stilll  needed to understand and digest what we were saying. I have not taken any place in other magazine since then, because it was the time  work justifying what I said to the market. Thankfully, we did a good job and after  more than a year, we have succeed . There was good development from QlikView perspective too. As QV has bene improving product betterand better, Gartner has opened new segment with Discovery Platform and placed QlikView in leader’s quadrant. Today, we discussed with one our customers. Definetely, it is not the only case to be in Gartner MQ but many companies value so much. Anyhow, my article in  it, it was to summarize last year and half giving all news with our future expectations. I personally thank to all companies, professionalls who believed me and us. There is long way to go as more and more companies understand QV ‘s new era approach J Cheers

14 Mart 2011 Pazartesi

My heart with Japan

I would prefer to write about Japanese people for good reason; unfortunately, such a big tragedy drove me to write this little blog post. Since the earthquake in Japan occurred, I have been feeling really bad. I am not sure this is directly related to Japanese people, from human being perspective or as one of Turkish people who really understand what earthquake causes.

Turkey is on earthquake line as well, as our history has many earthquakes. The last big ones were in   end of 1999. I suppose around October and November. Although official records did not show certain number, we know that we lost more than 20.000 Turkish people. I will not go to dig our earthquake and its causes. There are many things to discuss about it. The real reason that I am writing is the latest Earthquake we witnessed almost online in Sendai – Japan.

I am from a small town in Turkey called Eregli where one of the biggest Iron and Steel Factory was located. My father used to work there as A class worker. During setup the factory around late 60s, Japanese engineers also worked there and keep going to work with some engineering staff. The first time I heard about Japanese people was from my father’s conversation. He used to always tell that “These Japanese People are very hard worker” . I used to listen him carefully and in fact I used be surprised . Who used to tell this? My father . He is the person whom I never saw while sitting. He worked all his life. Sadly, I can even tell until he dies.  It was very important for me that MY FATHER calls some people  “hard-worker”. Nobody could have been more hard worker than my father until I hear this.

I am not sure about chronological order but I do remember about one TV series called Shogun . Richard Chamberlain was acting in the series. I believe it was very late 70s or early 80s. I learned several things about Japanese, either correct or from American’s eyes. Of course, there are many movies about World War II, mentioning Japanese Kamikazes. Although Kamikazes used to be shown as bad people, I used to respect them, because they were people who dedicated themselves for their country as dying. My teenager years passed watching with similar movies, TV programs. It is old but one of the near past example was Karate Kit. 

I am not sure exactly but I used to love so much my uncle’s older son. He was like a my real older brother. He was very good player of Turkish instrument called SAZ. He was also very good at Karate. I do remember very well , he had black belt too. It was so much something in Eregli having black belt. I used to request( kind of polite begging) from him to teach me Karate. He used to show me some figures . He also used to ask me that if I would stay with him in his music store , he was going to teach me Karate.  I was a kind of good student and did not want to spend my summer time in four-walls, despite I wanted to learn so much.  Once, he gave me his ex-karate clothes with yellow belt, god, I remember that feelings. I was the karate  man!. Some people challenge me that Karate is not from Japan or blah.  not important. We knew that Karate was associated with Japan, even now.

I was in technical university . It was summer term after first year, I went back to my home town and started my internship program (staj). I saw Japanese people by myself that my father used to talk about. They were not only hard worker but respectful people, smiling. Doubtless, I did not have much opportunity to  meet them as simple intern student.

I  do not want to extend the history It was end of 1999. I decided to go to Canada. Place that I went was Winnipeg, Manitoba. It was second time for me to go out of Turkey for long time . In fact, I used even carry and idea in my mind, not to come back. As a young Turkish person, it was very interesting and valuable experience in Winnipeg almost two years.  Not to mention the fact Muzaffer was social person, I had several friends from Brazil, Mexico, El Salvador, Costorica, Japan, China  etc. Since latin people are more outgoing and social, I was in all latin people and even got some roommates .They were nice people too (of course not all like the others). There were some classmates from Japan, males and females. Believe me I did have hard time to get in them , to understand them as a friend. Besides, I got a Japanese girlfriend, details are not important. It was one the couple serious and meaningful relationship I had in my life. I shared a apartment with hear for a year. Looking at us from the far, we were totally different. To make it short, It was golden year for me. Of course I am able to write now, but that year helped me  to be more mature, more easygoing , patient , caring, better person. It was almost impossible to see for me that how come a human could be such modest, honest, think so simple , friendly.. Whenever I had small argue with her before leaving the apartment, I used to feel so guilty and come back to apartment running, although he did not used to tell anything. At the beginning, while I was thinking that I am the intelligent one(a shame to say), I realized that she was the intelligent one! She was origami teacher and explained me how origami was important for kids, teenagers. How healthy their foods are, meaning of their some cultural things , tea ceremony, How traditional Japanese people’s daily life is, their respect to older people and more… In short, it was like a god gift for me to know Japanese culture. Some people may not believe me but   I realized that Japanese culture are very close to Turkish culture.  I left Canada and come back to Turkey. She visited me years later, I visited her in Japan late 2006. I saw Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto. I wanted to see more country side, small towns but I could not. I experienced one old guy’s respect against me while I was having breakfast after he knows that I am Turkish! Yes, I have some male friends.  They are also different people, it is not the same as our buddy approach.(perhaps, I did not have so much time to experience this)

Many people make fun of Japanese people, since they often take picture while travelling. Japanese people are one of the rate cultural tourist community in the world. They do cultural travelling. They go everywhere. You can see old people or young people.  Therefore,  I do react negatively when people do silly jokes. The last annoying situation happened to me last summer. We were in summer beach and met many people. One American lady talked stupidly because I had said “ Japanese people are very intelligent and lovely” . She was referring my sentence something stupid. I had many Japanese friends too and I also saw them when I went to Japan. We talked about life, future, life concerns. I miss them a lot

I can write many things but I am not able to express myself good. I am sad watching such a tragedy live on TV. I hope that no nation in the world feels this pain at all, but I am sad that this happened to Japan. Their stand up after World II is just respectful, admiring. I pray God for them; for humanity ; for myself; for world. Although degeneration of new generations is valid everywhere like Japan, their strong traditional cultural embracement will save Japan. Japan means peace now, it means friendship, it means smiling. I did meet bad people or call unfriendly people from any country. God knows that I never met and unfriendly Japanese. God bless you Japanese society. It will be really meaningful for me to see you to overcome this hard time.  Excuse me this unstructured blog post because I did plan it, I just want to write promptly. My job is business intelligence, but I am envious of their human intelligence, their cultural intelligence, their emotional intelligence, we can anyhow succeed in BI but what about these?  Turkish people's heart is with you Japanese people.

My heart with Japanese People

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I would prefer to write about Japanese people for good reason; unfortunately, such a big tragedy drove me to write this little blog post. Since the earthquake in Japan occurred couple days, I have been feeling really bad. What I saw was more than devastaIting. I am not sure this is directly related to Japanese people, from human being perspective or as one of Turkish people who really understands what earthquake causes.

Many people know that Turkey is on earthquake line, as our history has many earthquakes. The last big ones were in   end of 1999. I suppose around October and November. Although official records did not show certain number, we know that we lost more than 20.000 Turkish people. I will not go to dig our earthquake and its causes. There are many things to discuss about it. The real reason that I am writing is the latest Earthquake we witnessed almost online in Sendai – Japan.

I am from a small town in Turkey called Eregli where one of the biggest Iron and Steel Factory was located. My father used to work there as A class worker. During setup the factory around late 60s, Japanese engineers also worked there and keep going to work with some engineering staff. The first time I heard about Japanese people was from my father’s conversation. He used to always tell that “These Japanese People are very hard worker” . I used to listen him carefully and in fact I used be surprised . Who used to tell this? My father . He is the person whom I never saw while sitting. He worked all his life. Sadly, I can even tell until he dies.  It was very important for me that MY FATHER calls some people  “hard-worker”. Nobody could have been more hard worker than my father until I hear this.

I am not sure about chronological order but I do remember about one TV series called Shogun . Richard Chamberlain was acting in the series. I believe it was very late 70s or early 80s. I learned several things about Japanese, either correct or from American’s eyes. Of course, there are many movies about World War II, mentioning Japanese Kamikazes. Although Kamikazes used to be shown as bad people, I used to respect them, because they were people who dedicated themselves for their country as dying. My teenager years passed watching with similar movies, TV programs. It is old but one of the near past example was Karate Kit.  All all of us loved Mr. Miyagi.

I am not sure exactly but I used to love so much my uncle’s older son. He was like a my real older brother. He was very good player of Turkish instrument called SAZ. He was also very good at Karate. I do remember very well , he had black belt too. It was so much something in Eregli having black belt. I used to request( kind of polite begging) from him to teach me Karate. He used to show me some figures . He also used to ask me that if I would stay with him in his music store , he was going to teach me Karate.  I was a kind of good student and did not want to spend my summer time in four-walls, despite I wanted to learn so much.  Once, he gave me his ex-karate clothes with yellow belt, god, I remember that feelings. I was the karate  man!. Some people challenge me that Karate is not from Japan or blah.  not important. We knew that Karate was associated with Japan, even now.

I was in technical university . It was summer term after first year, I went back to my home town and started my internship program (staj). I saw Japanese people by myself that my father used to talk about. They were not only hard worker but respectful people, smiling. Doubtless, I did not have much opportunity to  meet them as simple intern student.

I  do not want to extend the history It was end of 1999. I decided to go to Canada. Place that I went was Winnipeg, Manitoba. It was second time for me to go out of Turkey for long time . In fact, I used even carry and idea in my mind, not to come back. As a young Turkish person, it was very interesting and valuable experience in Winnipeg almost two years.  Not to mention the fact Muzaffer was social person, I had several friends from Brazil, Mexico, El Salvador, Costorica, Japan, China  etc. Since latin people are more outgoing and social, I was in all latin people and even got some roommates .They were nice people too (of course not all like the others). There were some classmates from Japan, males and females. Believe me I did have hard time to get in them , to understand them as a friend. Besides, I got a Japanese girlfriend, details are not important. It was one the couple serious and meaningful relationship I had in my life. I shared a apartment with hear for a year. Looking at us from the far, we were totally different. To make it short, It was golden year for me. Of course I am able to write now, but that year helped me  to be more mature, more easygoing , patient , caring, better person. It was almost impossible to see for me that how come a human could be such modest, honest, think so simple , friendly.. Whenever I had small argue with her before leaving the apartment, I used to feel so guilty and come back to apartment running, although he did not used to tell anything. At the beginning, while I was thinking that I am the intelligent one(a shame to say), I realized that she was the intelligent one! She was origami teacher and explained me how origami was important for kids, teenagers. How healthy their foods are, meaning of their some cultural things , tea ceremony, How traditional Japanese people’s daily life is, their respect to older people and more… In short, it was like a god gift for me to know Japanese culture. Some people may not believe me but   I realized that Japanese culture are very close to Turkish culture.  I left Canada and come back to Turkey. She visited me years later, I visited her in Japan late 2006. I saw Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto. I wanted to see more country side, small towns but I could not. I experienced one old guy’s respect against me while I was having breakfast after he knows that I am Turkish! Yes, I have some male friends.  They are also different people, it is not the same as our buddy approach.(perhaps, I did not have so much time to experience this)

Many people make fun of Japanese people, since they often take picture while travelling. Japanese people are one of the rate cultural tourist community in the world. They do cultural travelling. They go everywhere. You can see old people or young people.  Therefore,  I do react negatively when people do silly jokes. The last annoying situation happened to me last summer. We were in summer beach and met many people. One American lady talked silly because I had said “ Japanese people are very intelligent and lovely”  She was referring my sentence to something stupid. I had many other Japanese friends too , I also saw them when I went to Japan. We talked about life, future, life concerns. I miss them a lot. We have to accept that they are different. Are we all the same ?

I can write many things but I am not able to express myself good. I am sad watching such a tragedy live on TV. I hope that no nation in the world feels this pain at all, but I am sad that this happened to Japan. Their stand up after World II is just respectful, admiring. I pray God for them; for humanity ; for myself; for world. Although degeneration of new generations is valid everywhere like Japan, their strong traditional cultural embracement will save Japan. Japan means peace now, it means friendship, it means smiling. I did meet bad people or call unfriendly people from any country. God knows that I never met and unfriendly Japanese. God bless you Japanese society. It will be really meaningful for me to see you to overcome this hard time.  Excuse me this unstructured blog post because I did plan it, I just want to write promptly. My job is business intelligence, but I am envious of their human intelligence, their cultural intelligence, their emotional intelligence, we can anyhow succeed in BI but what about these?  Turkish people's heart is with you Japanese people.






12 Mart 2011 Cumartesi

Honest Salesman:)

Thanks to twitter friend CaldysTake , I saw this video is hilarious. I laughed so much, why? Because I have been in sales long enough, I can understand the tinny points that are meaningful for sales people.Besides joke as opposed to many people’s approach, sale is very hard. In fact, it gets harder and harder while technology and society improves so fast, believe me sales get harder. I am talking about regardless of industry you are in. E.g. I am in technology, software sales arena for long time after textile and retail experience.
Yes, I can get many contacts from internet, it is truth.
Yes, I can utilize technology for the sake of my job.
Yes, some harder things get more simple compared to long time ago.(e.g.technology)

But these does not change the fact you must to your numbers. What numbers? The ones assigned within strong competition. You must know many things too though. Sales people must be always exceptional, even if you promote big vendor. However, being as sales girl or salesman‘ major requirements are kind of inborn skills. Yes I believe this. This does not mean that it cannot be learned later on, definitely, it can be learned. “ Exceptions do no break the rule, do not forget”. New generation are more social, which is good. They are more open for change, flexible, comfortable in society. When these are used for in good manner with necessary motivation, ambition ; perfect result is not hard to obtain. However, what I have seen nowadays is trying to get easy money. Instead of trying hard, they always choose simple (for me lazy) way. As said ” no pain no gain” will never change, even in current business world that you can become a millionaire in couple minutes. Everybody cannot be Facebook owner, Google or others.
By the way, I always say I am not a good sales person while others say opposite (thank you all); however, I always say that this is my life , and I am not faking at all. I love meeting people I love activities, even sometimes doing cold calls , read alot, observe alot, trying to be better always , yes still!! Each project I obtain is my own Facebook. Each competition I won is my challenging success. the ones I lost are my trigger to better. Why? I quickly call , “what is next?”.

In summary, person who is sales should find it her/him own way to progress. I believe that sales business cannot be done because of only money. Money is one the key necessities. Have you ever heard any successful sales professional who is rich but not publicly known? Or with couple company network? Lazy? Or why do you think that most WW organizations ‘ CEOs have sales background ? Because all pains that they suffered also cultivate them for next step. Anyway, I did not want to give a lecture, just want to mention that it requires sacrifices, brings pains(in family, social life).so if you haave good sales people, keep them happy and believe me, money is not the only reason! cheers,

11 Mart 2011 Cuma



I was just playing and seen a site to make a cartoon. I am still surprised and happy to see the new things, as everything gets simplier. I am planning to share some jokes coming from field that we face almost everydayJ. İt would be really fun; hope, ı get some time to do this..

Are you Socialigent ?


I am really envious of people who regularly blog post if it is not their main duty. Work, research, family, some social time…  no time for blog posting. Believe me I have many ideas to write.:)

I have been thinking to write about one simple word. We love to create fancy abbreviation, in many arena not only in IT arena. Since social media has been growing fast with strong buzz, new terms, abbreviations emerge, like “ socialytic “ Despite it is not listed in English dictionary, it is combination of “social “ and “analytic”. People who are in BI arena definitely understand right away. Honestly, I like the term because I do have strong belief on social media and its positive effects that should be measured with analytics. Therefore, it does sense a lot for me, because its specific term!..

What about “Socialigent” I am not sure if it has been ever used (I did brief search , no findings) but I have come up with this new abbreviationJ  As you all can guess it is combination of “Social “and “Intelligent”, because being a social and being an intelligent are different skills. Having both is also definitely another skill (not sure if skill though?) and higher level of word. What “socialigent” means can be discussed, because some people may say this is a broad term that can be used for like adjective . E.g. Company X is really socialigent. It may mean “company X is socially active in the market as well as very intelligent with the actions executed. On the other hand, some people may only use it  for people who are very social but also intelligent. In this case Muzaffer is socialigent person (am I ? that is why I got new termJ). It can be person’s skill:). A person can be mention it in his/her CV “ I am socialigent” like “ I am solution oriented person,”  By the way, I am not talking about socially intelligent though. I mean someone can be socially intelligent but he or she may not be so intelligent? Or you think socially intelligent person should be intelligent too?

Anyway, please let me know if you have ever heard it ,then I should stop saying “ I am father of the term”…By the way, please also let me know which meaning you can prefer to use..

I am planning to come up with special logo of it, followed by  special test and others.. Inspire me


7 Mart 2011 Pazartesi

Business Intelligence

See attached document prepared by AT KEARNEY. It is one of the well prepared documents about BI I have seen recently. AT Kearney has  definetely  good approach from top. Nevertheless,  they underlined the complexity of BI as you can see in the picture. The most important fact here is that  how to define roadmap, where most companies fail. Some companies choose to go with big vendors since they have been working with them for years while the others choose “best of breed approach”.

I am a BI person who prefers “best of breed approach” because none of these big guys has strong integration, because they did not re-write  the tools they acquired. In current technology word, you can integrate anything in data level though. Anyhow, I like the AT Kearney document and advise people to read instead of searching many sites..it is a good one.

Better_Decision_Making_with_Proper_Business_Intelligence.pdf Download this file


2 Mart 2011 Çarşamba

DQ vs. BI

Data Quality is often either stopper of Core BI projects or prevention of satisfaction. I personally faced DQ problems almost in each BI projects. Althoug DQ business has been comin from different part of BI, I believe that it must be a core part of BI platform, as users should not even feel different technology front-end. Maturity of organizations are also key;nevertheless, DQ issues often go to MDM problems too...